Phipps, L,. (2013) Individual as Institution. Educational Developments 14:3
Phipps L (2011) Higher Education Support Staff – not just noise on a spread sheet, The Guardian
Phipps L (2011) Surviving Conferences (e-Book)
Cormier D, Phipps L, White D, Hall R, Truelove I, Childs M (2009) Preparing for the postdigital era
Phipps L (2007) Web 2.0 and social software: An introduction. Joint Information Systems Committee
Contextual web accessibility-maximizing the benefit of accessibility guidelines
Sloan D, Heath A, Hamilton F, Kelly B, Petrie H, Phipps L (2006) Proceedings of the 2006 international cross-disciplinary workshop on Web accessibility (W4A): Building the mobile web: rediscovering accessibility?Pages 121-131.
Kelly, B., Sloan, D., Phipps, L., Petrie, H. and Hamilton, F. (2005) Forcing Standardization or Accommodating Diversity? A Framework for Applying the WCAG in the Real World, Proceedings of the 2005 International Cross-Disciplinary Workshop on Web Accessibility (W4A). ISBN: 1-59593-036-1.
Kelly, B., Phipps, L. and Swift, E (2004) Developing A Holistic Approach For E-Learning Accessibility , Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology 30(3).
Phipps L, Harrison S, Sloan D and Willder B (2004) Developing and Publicising a Workable Accessibility Strategy. Ariadne 38.
Sloan D and Phipps L (2003) Ideology or Pragmatism? Open Standards and Cultural Heritage Web Sites. ichim03 Conference Proceedings.
Phipps L (2003) Accessibility: making ICT available to everyone, Joint Information Systems Committee Advice & Guidance series.
Phipps L, (2002) Legislation, Technology and Disability, Assignation 20 (1). ISSN 0265-2587
Phipps L, Witt N, McDermott A (2002) To Logo or Not to Logo? Interact 25, University of Bristol.
Phipps L (2002) Academic Assessment and Students with Disabilities , Planet (Special Edition 3), Learning and Teaching Support Network Subject Centre for Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, ISSN 1473-1835.
Phipps L (2002) Legislation, Technology and Disabilities, Exchange 1, Learning and Teaching Support Network.
Phipps L (2002) Are You Reasonably Adjusted? Educational Developments 3(4), Staff and Educational Development Association, ISSN 1469-3267.
Phipps L, Sutherland A and Seale J (editors)(2002) Access All Areas: disability, technology and learning , Association for Learning Technology, ISBN 1-904190-18-9.
Phipps L and McCarthy D (2001) Computer Assisted Assessment and Disabilities , Proceedings of the 5th International CAA Conference, Loughborough University, ISBN 09539572-0-9.
Belt S T, Clarke, M.J. and Phipps, L.E. (1999) Exercises for chemists involving time management, judgement and initiative University, Chemistry Education 3.
Phipps L & Stainfield J (1999) Beyond the Maltese Website: Lessons learned and new ‘web’ horizons. GeoCal 20. CTI Geography, Geology & Meteorology, University of Leicester.
Belt S.T. and Phipps L.E (1999) Case Study: Linking Industry and Academia in Science Education. In Burns M, Lane S and Phillips J (1999) A guide to developing employer links in higher education. SEED Publications, University of Plymouth.
Phipps L & Stainfield J (1999) Environmental themes in the Mediterranean: a web based case study of the Maltese Islands. Plymouth: SEED Publications, University of Plymouth.
Belt S.T and Phipps L.E. (1998) Using case studies to develop key skills in chemists: A preliminary account. University Chemistry Education 2.
Phipps L and Stainfield J (1998) Heightening the Experience: Using the Internet to ‘virtually enhance’ fieldwork. GeoCal 19. CTI Geography, Geology & Meteorology, University of Leicester.