Author: Lawrie Phipps

Leeds Learning and Teaching Conference 2009: Keynote Gráinne Conole

At the Leeds teaching and learning conference today, two of the U&I projects are presenting Reflect and Awesome. But the keynote is by Gráinne Conole, Towards Technology Renaissance.  Renaissance – revival or renewed interest, repurposing or rethinking. How does this apply to e-learning. What are the technology trends?  Grainne talked about the increased complexity of…

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What future for the VLE?

Back in May I wrote, with Dave Cormier and Mark Stiles an article for Educational Developments entitled “Reflecting on the Virtual Learning Systems – extinction or evolution?”; on Friday, we three, present on a panel session about our views and conclusions at the Altered States (online) conference, along with Blackboard and Moodle representatives. Mostly our…

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FOTE 2008: Final Session

Building 21st Century Learning Environments, John Hickey, Apple Where we need to go – evolution of education Student as both consumer and producer. Disconnected in an interconnected world Students say that going into class is like taking a flight, they have to switch things off and cannot access the outside world. Students expect an interconnected…

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FOTE2008: 3rd Session

Mile Metcalfe, Ravensbourne Miles started by discussing the college’s move to Greenwich. The innovative ideas for ICT include: Flexible Learnings Spaces (you had to hear the visualisation) Serendipitous Commons Subsidise personal technology high end reources integrated with user owned workflows Software as a service (google),  opensource alternatives to ‘money grabbing’ proprietory systems The curse of…

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FOTE 2008: 1st Session Google and Second Life

Here at FOTE (Future OF Technology in Education) 2008, Welcome from Tim Bush (organised the event) and David Rippon the Director of ULCC. Sam Peters from Google What’s driving cloud computing: Falling cost of storage Ubiquitous Computing Democratisation of production “We’re all part of the revolution” Sam described how the previous technology paradigm was focused…

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Managing the Crowd

“Imagine an organisation where users are free to describe the content they create as they see fit. Where they help decide the retention and disposal of every record that they create or use, based on how useful and valuable they deem it to be. Where, based on a combination of their thoughts and actions, they…

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There’s a nice debate going on out there, this posting is just my own perspective and a signpost, if you want to engage more fully take a wander over to the funnymonkey posting and follow the trail. “Punk-related ideologies are mostly concerned with individual freedom.” Looking at the wikipedia entry for punk it identifies a…

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