Changing Learning Landscape: Strategy and Change #CLL1213

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This morning I was lucky enough to be invited to speak at the “Influencing Strategy and change processes to enable the embedding of digital literacies” event in London.

My slides are below, and at the bottom are some of the tweets from during the presentation drawing out some key points. I would also like to thank the Jisc e-learning Team, especially Sarah Davies, Dave White and all of the people in the CLL programme, all of whom provided the knowledge and content for the presentation.

Susannah Quinsee @squinsee
Engaging senior staff in digital literacies = vital for making change happen
Neil Ford @neiljohnford… JISC Design Studio#cll1213

Rachel Temple @RJ_Temple

#cll1213 drivers for institutional change. Senior management buy in is key

Rich Goodman @Bulgenen

RT @Lizzipops: Every subject has digital element- how support and embed in curriculum is key #cll1213

Mick Norman @mickelous

“Tools are just tools” @Lawrie #cll1213

Rachel Temple @RJ_Temple

Focus on the learning rather than e- learning or m- learning. But the technology must work as well #cll1213

Ella Mitchell @meatyloafy

technology is a tool….. true, let’s not.forget the people, practises and why we need the technology 😉#cll1213

Eleni Zazani @EleniZazani

#cll1213 #Librarians are very good at it. I’m not biased I’m just quoting @Lawrie

Ella Mitchell @meatyloafy

does social backgrounds of students and their demographics…… have more of an impact on students experience of technology!? #cll1213

Elizabeth Cleaver @ECleaver

#cll1213 do we need to move on from digital natives discourse to thinking about digital wisdom?…

sue thompson @susiestraw

Resources on DL The Design Studio / digital literacy @Lawrie#CLL1213

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