Digital Perceptions is now live

This post edited on 11/11/21

Digital Perceptions was a tool aimed at getting people thinking about their digital identity, and how they are perceived online. It was conceived of 4 years ago in a post by Donna Lanclos and me, and now, thanks to Zac Gribble it is coded and live. It is still draft and in development. A host of people are due thanks, especially those who gave feedback on the concept, and continue to do so including @Autumm, @marcuselliott, @Kerrypinny, @Warwicklanguage, @Davecormier, @asameshimae @Sarahknight.

We recieved a lot of great feedback and the tools was used in various programmes and courses that both we ran, and others. However, thinking moves on and we have taken the tool down as we rethink the approach and what we want it to do.


Lawrie Phipps and Donna Lanclos


  1. If you ask me to tick a certain number of boxes, you can’t say that the boxes I don’t tick are unknown – they are just not in my top five or six.

    1. Hi David,
      We’re using the language of the Johari Window, the Unknown section refers to traits or behaviours that neither the person reflecting or the people they have asked to reflect have considerer in relation to their identity. We are looking for better language, so any suggestions are welcome. thanks for the feedback.

  2. I like this! I wonder if an option for its future development would be to try making the whole app on This would make the whole thing open source, remixable by anyone, hosted free (including server-side) for anyone.

  3. Just a quick request – if you did try the Digital Perceptions tool ( yesterday – we are looking for feedback https:

  4. Just a quick request – if you did try the Digital Perceptions tool ( yesterday – we are looking for feedback https:

  5. Just a quick request – if you did try the Digital Perceptions tool ( yesterday – we are looking for feedback https:

  6. Interesting ‘take’ (tool) on digital perceptions and how others views can provide you some perspective on what your digital presence may say about you. Just a bit concerned how true these reflections are (in informal/formal digital settings) may be and depending on your engagement in various contexts (discussion comment, blog posts) and whether at any snapshot in time this provides a window of digital perception but over an extended length of time is not a true reflection of you. This would be interesting to do with different cohorts – I’m saying this as I do the mapping visitor/resident excercise with year 12 (age 16/17) re mapping technologies and some find this excercise at times ‘strange’ to do as they’ve grown up with the digital environment entwined and some don’t see the issue of what mapping their digital selves (so to speak) in comparison to physical selves is necessary. Again the main point was to self-reflect but it was interesting that many did not see the need to diffentiate activites online/offline. I will be writing this up in a blog post!

    1. Hi Sukhtinder,
      I agree that these reflections are only true in how you interpret them. The purpose for us was not to get users to seek truth, but the act of reflection itself. Seeing the words and phrases other people use to describe our digital presence is meant to give us pause for thought, and to reflect on whether that is what the user would like to be seen as. This then is the baseline, this is how I am seen, do I want to change? How would I change?
      WRT to Visitor and Resident, this project came about as Donna and I were reflecting on Johari window and VandR. Since then we have also changed our ideas and have recently published, in part about why we have moved away from VandR in our working with staff in the sector.
      Happy to chat more

      1. Hi Lawrie
        Looking forward to reading further on VR.
        As in ‘real’ life (physical engagment) not all our engagements are ‘recorded’ easily, but in our circle of friends they’re perceptions of us as they ‘know’ us will make us think about how were coming across but that naturally happens in our interactions and their reponses. Being digital – our digital selves are trackable as in the digital environment I guess which unlike ‘real life’ seems less forgiving and in a wider public sphere!! I’m still toying with the informal/formal settings and some of us consciously change how we address, post messages to be provocative, encourage debate…though I do agree by pausing it will give some food for thought…

  7. Just a quick request – if you did try the Digital Perceptions tool ( yesterday – we are looking for feedback https:

  8. Just a quick request – if you did try the Digital Perceptions tool ( yesterday – we are looking for feedback https:

  9. If anyone who’s used the perceptions tool ( and is coming to #ALTC in Manchester, come find me @DonnaLanclos or @App

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